Happy New Year! Hope you had a safe and wonderful holiday season. Thank you to all of our customers for your continuous support. We had a very successful 2020 and we are looking forward to this year! Raise your hand if 2020 looked anything like the plans you made for it at the end of last year! Yeah? Us neither. But you know what? We learned adaptation is the key to making it in an ever-changing world. Stocked Up On Beef During the holidays, we had a fun family drive to pick up more ... VIEW POST
Happy New Year 2021
Autumn Ranch Chores
The perfect autumn afternoon is walking through the cattle on the hayfields and taking photos with my boys. The brilliant colours, the crisp mornings and the beautiful sunsets are just a few of my favourite things about autumn on the ranch. What are your favourite things about autumn? Starting in September, we begin hauling cattle home and weighing calves. As we are doing this, we must continuously update our cattle management software program with all the movements and weights. We ... VIEW POST
5 Secrets to Using Social Media for Your Ranch
Are you wanting to get your ranch brand recognized? Maybe you are direct marking beef in your community? Or maybe you are selling purebred cattle and what to get your ranch name out there to breeders Have you been posting to social media and you are hearing crickets? Let me give you my 5 tips for effectively using social media to increase awareness of your ranch and in turn help increase your sales. Be Consistent on Social Media Posting consistency is the most important tip when you ... VIEW POST