At our ranch, one important fall task that we undertake is pregnancy checking our cattle. This essential practice allows us to make informed decisions and plan for the future. Here we will dive into the significance of pregnancy checking and the impact it has on the success of our ranching operation. Pregnancy checking is a necessary step in managing our cattle herd. By determining which cows are pregnant, we can plan for calving, allocate hay efficiently, and plan for the next year. It helps ... VIEW POST
Ranch Life in January
As a ranch mom of three boys, I get asked how do you do it all? Honestly, I don’t. I have an amazing supportive family to help me with raising the boys on the ranch. Ogilvie Stock Ranch is a family ranch and we all share the responsibilities together. My mom and dad keep the day to day of the ranch going. I help, with the boys, whenever we can. Here is a look into what January is like on a family cattle ranch. Family Helping Family The boys and I love our daily morning and evening ... VIEW POST
Herd Sire Management
A herd sire is a bull that we use in our herd for breeding our cows. Herd sires play a large role in the genetics of our cattle program and therefore selecting a bull is a very important decision in our operation. A bull contributes 50% of the genetic makeup of each generation of offspring and the cows together contribute the other half. If you think of it this way, we retain heifers from our own herd for replacement cows, so 75% of the genetic makeup of their offspring will be from ... VIEW POST