Fall grazing presents its own set of challenges for ranchers, but with the right strategies and tools, we can ensure the well-being of our cattle, minimize our costs and maximize the quality of forage for our cattle. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of using cattle protein tubs to extend fall grazing and share some valuable tips on how to graze cattle late into the season Understanding the Role of Protein Tubs Protein tubs, packed with essential nutrients, have become a ... VIEW POST
Extending Fall Grazing
Ensuring the Future: The Importance of Pregnancy Checking Cattle
At our ranch, one important fall task that we undertake is pregnancy checking our cattle. This essential practice allows us to make informed decisions and plan for the future. Here we will dive into the significance of pregnancy checking and the impact it has on the success of our ranching operation. Pregnancy checking is a necessary step in managing our cattle herd. By determining which cows are pregnant, we can plan for calving, allocate hay efficiently, and plan for the next year. It helps ... VIEW POST
Monthly Kids Colouring Fun
We're thrilled to offer free kids colouring pages, designed to spark creativity and imagination. Each month, we'll provide a new downloadable colouring page on our website and in our email! We'd love to see your child's masterpiece, so we're inviting everyone to share their completed colouring pages with us on social media. Simply tag us and use the hashtag #farmcolouring, and your child will be entered for a chance to win a special surprise at the end of the month. Let your child's ... VIEW POST
Fall tasks on the ranch: Embracing the season of change!
As the air gets crisp and the leaves change colours, we are starting to work on our fall ranch tasks. Fall brings a sense of anticipation and preparation for the colder months ahead. Let's take a peek into six fall tasks that are important for our ranch. Pasture Maintenance We are assessing the condition our pastures, ensuring they are will provide nutritious forage for our cattle throughout the next month or so. This year, the fire has thrown our whole fall routine out the window as we ... VIEW POST
Calving and Lambing Update – Day 15 to 21
Calving and lambing is in full swing around here now. Here is a brief look at our third week of our calving and lambing season. Be sure to watch our daily stories on Instagram and our daily posts on Facebook for more insight into our days on the ranch during this spring season. Day 15 - Fancy and Her New Calf On Day 15, we had a quiet morning during chores and then 4 cows calved and 1 ewe had a set of twins in the afternoon. Fancy, the boys show heifer from a few years ago, calved ... VIEW POST
2023 Calving and Lambing Update – Day 1 to 14
Calving season is such a special time of year, and we want to be able to share a bit of an inside look into each day with you. Here is a brief look at the first two weeks of our calving and lambing. Be sure to watch our daily stories for more insight into our days on the ranch. Day 1 - Calving Season is Here It’s here! With much anticipation, the first calf of 2023 has finally arrived. I can not count the number of times that the boys have asked when the first calf would be here. While ... VIEW POST